
december 2015 canadian small

I’ve been really busy filling orders so I haven’t really had time to blog or do anything else creative, but I made this calendar page a while ago. FUNNY STORY THO: I made the November, December and January pages one right after the other back in October, and sometimes when I do a bunch of stuff at the same time like that I make dumb mistakes. Like yesterday, when I was working on orders all day and realized just as I was about to pack it for shipment I’d made a banner that read “Feminist Killojy.” ANYWAY my November calendar page had 31 days on it! I’ve had it up on my bulletin board all month and didn’t even realize there was a Tuesday, November 31st on it until I put up the December one and was like “wait… is it Wednesday today???” Luckily I save my calendars with all the separate layers so I was able to go back an rearrange the dates. Of course, I realize now this means I’ll have to rearrange the January page’s dates as well. What is my life???

Anyway, you can download the full size with the correct dates here; it’s available in three versions: Canadian (Christmas Eve/Day & Boxing Day), American (Christmas Eve/Day only) and Simple (no holidays). If you would like a different version please feel free to message me and I’ll put it together for you.