Weekend Part Two: Sunday in the City

After all the chaos and driving around the Lower Mainland on Saturday I was happy to have a nice, relaxing day on Sunday. I also didn’t sleep very well (possibly because of stuffing my face with sugary sweets from the candy bar at the wedding the night before) so I was pretty tired and not up for any intense adventuring. I also wasn’t up for any intense dressing so I wore this comfy yet awesome maxi dress which is my new favorite.

Sunday's Dress

I got it at the Old Navy in Kahului when we were killing time before our return flight back in March and I hadn’t worn it yet, but after all the compliments I got on it I will definitely be rocking it non-stop this summer. Fun fact about how terrible I am: I put it on when we got home from he wedding and said to Taylor “I’m going to sleep in this dress tonight and then tomorrow, I’m going to wear it to brunch.” And I did.

Date Brunch
Date Brunch
Date Brunch

In spite of being slightly overcast, it was really bright out and some of us can’t find our sunglasses.

Date Brunch

We saw this girl at Ikea in Coquitlam on Saturday. WHAT ARE THE ODDS??

Date Brunch

We started the day right with a delicious brunch. We swung by the Templeton but the wait was too long (this is the case 75% of the time) so instead we continued on to Glowbal (also the case 75% of the time).

Date Brunch

When you sit down they bring you tiny donuts and a mini-smoothie (not pictured but it was strawberry/blueberry/cranberry/mint and oh so delicious).

Date Brunch
Date Brunch

Toy car from the Cougar table at the wedding.

Date Brunch

Sculpture in like, the least-inviting park in the city. The whole thing is rough, pokey cobblestones. What’s wrong with grass?

Date Brunch
Date Brunch

I have NO IDEA how Taylor managed to sneak out of the house wearing this light grey shoes with black socks combination. I’ll have to be more vigilant in the future.

After eating we wandered around for a little while, sort of shopping but not really. I wanted to get a new pair of Vans KVDs but I couldn’t find the checkered ones and we were both too tired to search all over the city for them. Instead we came home and watched the season finale of SNL. After that Taylor went to the gym and OH MY GOSH I CAN’T BELIEVE IT but I went too. I stopped going when I got sick and had a stuffed up bloody nose for like, a month, but I’m finally re-motivated and well enough to go. Of course, all I did was like, the laziest 30 minutes of elliptical ever, but it’s a start!

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