I mean, literally taking them out of my body. This day has been intensely aggravating and there’s only one solution.
These were taken a couple of weeks ago by Taylor but he didn’t upload them until recently.
Last weekend the breeder I got Georgie from emailed me to say her dog has had a new litter of 6 puppies- 2 Georgie coloured, 1 black & tan (like Kichou) and 3 chocolate & tan. I swear, if I wasn’t at my legal limit for number of dogs in the city I’d get another. Who could resist this?
I’ve never been a fan of really tiny dogs. I like mid sized ones. However, your Georgie pictures make me want a Pom so badly.
She’s super awesome! You should get one. I know a guy.
You make me want a Pom so bad too! But I don’t wanna drive or fly all the way up to Canada for a dog. 🙁
But a Georgie colored dog! I wannnnnt.