What I’ve Been Eating & What I Want to Be Eating

I’ve been thinking recently about what I want to do this year, and how I want to live my life. I know, I know, this is typically New Year’s resolution stuff, but I like to take my sweet time with this thing! Who likes the resolutioners crowding the gym all January? NO ONE, that’s who. And did the first week of January really need another blog post about all my goals for the year? NOPE.

Instead of coming up with a big list of stuff at the start of the year, diving in headfirst and flaming out wildly, I decided to start small, with just one personal goal for January. One personal personal goal that is so personal that I don’t want to share it, but I will say I’ve been sticking to it and plan to keep it up for the rest of the year my entire life.

For February I’ve decided my goal will be to make better food choices, not just for myself, but for my family. I’ve actually already started doing this: I’ve been cooking more meals instead of going out or ordering in, I’ve been diversifying my meal plans, and I’ve been buying more nutritious foods. On Saturday night Taylor and I had soup & salad for dinner instead of lasagna. Yesterday we had delicious sandwiches instead of greasy burgers. I’ve even had two meals so far today (I often do nothing but snack on junk until dinnertime):

Blackberry & Honey Oatmeal

steel-cut oats with blackberries, clover-alfalfa honey & skim milk
Old picture but this is still my favorite thing to make for breakfast. One of my upcoming goals is to buy all the blackberries at the farmer’s market this summer so I can freeze them and eat this year-round without having to spend $6 on a tiny amount of berries from Mexico. The honey is also from the farmer’s market, which seriously better start soon because I’m almost out.

Aigs, Skinny Bagel, Pea Shoot Salad

scrambled eggs, skinny bagel, pea shoot salad with balsamic vinegar
I scrambled my eggs with skim milk and topped them with fresh ground red/white/black pepper and pink Himalayan salt. How great are these skinny bagels? They have all the surface area of a regular bagel, so you can easily make bagelwiches or just slather them with cream cheese, but you don’t get that I-ate-to-much-bread-and-now-I’m-pregnant-with-a-bread-babby feeling from them. If you are a calorie counting person (which I’m not) then you know regular bagels have three or four hundred calories, whereas these have only 140. Not bad! The salad has grape tomatoes, carrots, mini cucumbers and pea shoots with a little balsamic vinegar. I found the pea shoots in the ~specialty produce~ section and thought I’d give them a try. They’re really good- sort of sprouty, sort of peapody, light and crisp. Even Sym likes them, and she can be really picky.

4 Replies to “What I’ve Been Eating & What I Want to Be Eating”

  1. I love honey from our Farmer’s Market. It just tastes better. I don’t know why. We ran out just last week. So now I have Walmart honey which feels…wrong.

    1. I just checked and the market in front of my house doesn’t start up again until June! Looks like I’ll be trekking out to the winter market one of these weekends.

  2. Ummm, sis, if you need any meal plan help let me know. Personal Trainer here! I gots the skillz with the meal plans. For you: No charge!

    1. I can never stick to meal plans. Like, what if I’m supposed to make something on one day but I don’t feel like it? ANARCHY THAT’S WHAT.

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