View from the Fort

Fort Building

This morning the daycare kids helped me build a giant fort. I have 2 Crazy Forts kits now, which means 50 ball and 88 sticks, and we used almost all of them.

Fort Building

I always forget that the holes aren’t properly aligned in these to make a geodesic dome :/ Instead I made a weird dome/square house hybrid. At first it had seven sides, but that didn’t work so I made it eight, but I ran out of pieces before finishing the roof so I finally settled on a hexagonal design. After these pictures were taken I added an arched entranceway.

Fort Building
Fort Building
Fort Building

The best part of fort building is decorating it with my extensive collection of sari fabric! I used some of my put-a-bird-on-it clothes pins to hold the fabric to the fort frame.

Fort Building

Georgie wanted to watch what we were doing, but she also wanted and curl up in a dog bed. Hers is under my desk and doesn’t afford much of a view so she snuggled into Kichou’s instead.

Georgie in Kichou's Bed
Georgie Yawns

Fort construction supervision is exhausting work!


It’s pretty grey and depressing out today; it’s mostly cloudy and all the snow is melting and it’s drippy and gross, but at least there’s a rainbow in our fort!

Fort Building

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