The Curse of the Gym


I have the worst luck with the gym. Every time I say I’m going to start going again, I go once and then suffer some calamitous event. I throw my back out and can barely walk, or I get strep throat, or I fall down the stairs at the gym when leaving after my workout and sprain my ankle. Every time I lose all my gym momentum and it’s months before I go back again- just to suffer a new setback.

Well. In August Taylor spent a lot of time talking about how he wanted to start going to the gym again, so I decided it would be supportive and helpful if I went too. Labour Day weekend I strapped my running shoes on for the first time in months and hit up Fitness World for some treadmill time. Aaaaaaaaaaand my shoes (pictured above), my beloved foot clouds, which are neither too old or too new, gave me huge horrible blisters, one of which popped and seeped and oozed and got horribly infected. WHAT THE HECK. It’s been really painful and gross, but it’s finally almost better. Just in time too; I think the weather is about to turn and I won’t be able to wear my flip-flops anymore (my feet are like Regina George on Kal-teen bars” flip-flops are all that fit me right now).

Hopefully I be able to re-restart going back to the gym this weekend, so please stay tuned for my next disaster.

In semi-related gym news, Taylor went yesterday morning and there was an older man running full-tilt on the treadmill while watchign full-on hardcore porn on his iPad. PEOPLE THESE DAYS idek.

8 Replies to “The Curse of the Gym”

  1. The same thing happens to me!! Last time I had to quit the gym because my left knee staged a revolt (or I am 99 years old), and became swollen and very determined to not move in a running way anymore.

    Then I started Insanity work out, and my sneakers keep giving my soles terrible cramps five seconds into me using them. WHY, SHOES.

  2. Maybe the shoes are cursed! Didn’t you buy them on the day you slipped over in the street slime? (I know this because I just read your entire blog backwards! It took me 3 days but I got there! [not straight through, there were breaks!] and now I feel like a creepy stalker)

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