Hocus Pumpkins

Hocus Pumpkins

Friday night was my Second Annual Pumpkin Carving, Hocus Pocus Watching Party.

Pumpkin Gutting

In the morning Sym and Taylor helped me scoop the goop out of all the pumpkins. I was really dreading this part because I haaaaaaaaaate pumpkin guts but it was quite easy.

Pumpkin Gutting

Fun fact: the pumpkin guts peeled all the dead/dry skin off Sym’s hands.

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

I’d been putting up decorations all week. I used my Halloween glitter banners, some store-bought things and some crafts by Sym and myself.

Halloween Decorations (Door)
Pumpkin Carving Party 2011
Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

Sym made these craft foam jack-o’-lanterns last year, we added wings and feet to make the bat-o’-lanterns!

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011
Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

This skull chandelier is hanging over the kids’ table. Kids love skulls.

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

This treat bag made a great impromptu light shade!

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

I’ve turned into the sort of person who makes gift bags for all my guests.

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

It’s really Taylor’s fault; when he went to the liquor store for beer he also came back with a mini-bottle of Crystal Head Vodka. OBVIOUSLY I had to go out and get more to share with everybody! I also included a cute mini-pumpkin and a cellophane bag of candy corn and Halloween chocolates.

Mini Crystal Skull vodka.
Gift Bag Contents

Sym really wanted me to make the cursed donuts from last year, although I managed to avoid any major baking mishaps. These are just made using brownie mix and black food colouring.

The Donut Decorator

I put Sym in charge of decorating them with white, green, and orange glaze, and white bone & skull, black spider & skull, and green spider sprinkles.

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

The fruits of everyone’s carving labours:

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

top row, l-r: a small Totoro + some susuwatari by Sym and her dad; a cemetery by Sym’s stepmom
bottom row l-r: Sailor Moon & a little vampire by me; a toothy grinning face by Taylor, a fangy grinning face by Katrina, and a hammer & sickle by Varia. My friend Bonnie & her son also carved one but they left early.

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

This was my attempt at one of the Martha Stewart fanged pumpkins that are all over tumblr/pinterest this year. Mine came out looking mentally subnormal. I think it’s the jewelled picks I used for the eyes.

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011

Taylor spent HOURS carving the teeth on his pumpkin, trying to get them thin enough to let light through. Clearly it was worth it though!

I only had half a dozen people over, but last year there were only two, so I basically tripled my turnout. Next year: EIGHTEEN.

Not particularly Halloween-related, but before people arrived I had all three dogs sitting in the beanbag chairs, even Dougal.

Pumpkin Carving Party 2011


4 Replies to “Hocus Pumpkins”

  1. Ahmahgad they all look awesome! Plus Hocus Pocus is the best movie ever. While you had all that pumpkin carving glory, I was on the ferry :S

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