Frazzled Nerves

Ready To Ship

I meant to do a big post about all of my weekend (mis)adventures, but instead I’ve spent the last three days in crafting hell, up to my eyeballs in glitter trying to get all my etsy orders finished in a timely fashion. Now I’m done and have everything packed up and ready to ship so maybe at some point I’ll make a real post? Who can say.

I actually have a ton of stuff to do this week still: make a new “Merry Christmas” banner for myself to replace the one I sold, finish the other banners that I started before I got all the orders, finish glittering animals for my woodland piano display (I have an ostrich, a goat, and a bighorn sheep), decorate & hang my new fake wreath, finish putting up my new Christmas lights, clean everything, bake everything, go see The Muppets (tonight), go to a Canucks game (tomorrow night) and get ready to decorate my Christmas tree (Friday night), plus take pictures of and blog about everything, as well as work 9.5 hours a day and do parenting. HUH I WONDER WHAT ISN’T GONNA GET DONE (hint: it’s cleaning and blogging).

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