Popsicle Party

Mint Lime Popsicles
Mint Lime Popsicles

I had the idea for these popsicles the other week but I forgot about making them until the very last minute. I’d originally planned to make new mint-infused simple syrup but I didn’t have the time to start from scratch so I just tossed a half cup of plain simple syrup (made from organic cane sugar, ooh la la) that I already had into a small saucepan with a handful of mint leaves, brought it to a quick boil and then let it cool completely before straining the leaves out. For the lime portion I just used some Minute Maid frozen concentrate limeade, since I knew from previous experience that hand-juicing limes is an exercise in futility. ANYWAY. I mixed the half cup of mint syrup with one cup of limeade and poured it into my popsicle mold, then for funsies I added a single large mint leave to each one before freezing.

Mint Lime Popsicles

To be perfectly honest I was a little apprehensive about how these would turn out, by which I mean I thought they would be gross. When I was mintifying the syrup there was a weird burnt smell in my kitchen and I didn’t know whether I’d scorched the sugar or if there was something on the burner (a frequent occurrence around here). I was also unsure of my proportions. Would they have too much sugar? Not enough mint? Would they be too lime-y? The only thing I could do was hope and force Sym to try one first.

Mint Lime Popsicles
This is the best picture I’ve ever taken of Sym.

The verdict? THESE ARE SOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! I couldn’t believe it, like I REALLY thought they’d be nasty but they were the perfect mix of cool minty sweetness with a hint of tart citrus flavour, while being the perfect shade of green. If I made them again I’d maybe use a scootch less sugar and maybe a tiny bit of fresh lime juice, but all in all I have no complaints!

11 Replies to “Popsicle Party”

    1. DO IT these were so good! I got my popsicle molds from the dollar store (they are probably full of BPAs or w/e but OH WELL IT’S WORTH IT).

  1. You’ve inspired me to get Popsicle molds. I saw some at a place near I work that were rocket ship shaped and the handles were FLAMES so clearly I have to buy those Monday.

  2. omg YUM that sounds perfect. have you ever mixed liquor into your popsicles? i know you probably haven’t RECENTLY, but i wanna try this recipe with rum, do you think it would work?

    1. Well I always have my kid test my popsicles, and she’s only ten so I try to keep booze out of them. I guess it could work as long as you don’t put too much alcohol into them, otherwise they might not freeze solid enough.

    I want some of these popsicles! I was in JC Penney the other day and saw a little ice pop thing like you have and I was dreaming of having popsicle parties like you.. :,)

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