Baby Symmie

One thing about being pregnant is it is making me very, very nostalgic about baby Sym. This is probably normal, but at least once a week (AT LEAST) I find myself going through all the old pictures and getting emotional. Then I start thinking about how when she was little I didn’t go back to work until she was three, and all the special Mommy/Symmie time we had, and how I’m not going to be able to do that with this baby (unless someone starts dropping sackfuls of money in my lap) and then I feel guilty as hell. But hey, at least I get a year, right? Thanks, Canada!

Anyway, to mark my blubbery emotional nostalgia, here are some pictures of my beautiful darling daughter as a baby.

Baby Symmie
Baby Symmie
Baby Symmie
Baby Symmie
Baby Symmie
Baby Symmie

These pictures are from when she was 1-6 months old, but trust me when I say SHE JUST KEPT GETTING CUTER.

22 Replies to “Baby Symmie”

  1. That is one gorgeous baby. Usually I think babies look weird and old man-ish; she looks like a baby straight out of a commercial.

  2. Sym was beautiful as a baby and more beautiful now. I love her big blue eyes. My fav is with the watermelon. oxxo

  3. She had and still has the most striking eyes. I’m not going to lie, I might just be jealous of a 6-month-old who is now 10.

    Also, happy father’s day to Taylor!

  4. I REMEMBER babby Symmie, because that’s how I realized I wanted to be your e-friend. Your LJ had all these adorable public entries about her, which melted my cold, cold heart. SO small and adorable!!!

  5. Oh my gosh, Tanie. I can’t even handle how gorgeous and adorable she is!! Is it possible to be gorgeous and adorable at the same time? Apparently it is because Sym is. How are your shorts turning out, by the way?

  6. I’m a buff baby that can dance like a man I be shakin my fanny I be shakin my can I’m a tuff tootin baby I can punch all your buns punch all your buns I can punch all your buns If you’re an evil witch I will punch you for fun

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