Lazy Weekend/Busy Weekend

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Husband & Dogs

First of all, happy Thanksgiving to all of Canada out there! I never really do anything fancy for this holiday (like “celebrate” or “cook”) because Sym spends it with her dad every year and Taylor has to go to bed early, although I guess that’ll be changing once Baby Laramie is on the scene.

Since Sym has been away I’ve spent most of this weekend working on projects around the house: sorting things, cleaning things, putting things away, drilling holes in things. Here are some pictures of stuff I’ve been up to recently…


We didn’t take proper pictures last week because I was too busy (ie my roots are really grown out and terrible) but here’s a photobooth shot from Wednesday, when I was 34 weeks 6 days. I’m 35 weeks 4 days today, WOW THAT’S CLOSE. I should probably pack my hospital bag soon…

Some baby stuff:

Georgie & the Alphabet

My wonderful friend Angela sent me this AMAZING handmade alphabet blanket all the way from Chicago.

Baby Toys

Stuffies & rattles. I need a basket or something to keep these in!

Baby Clothes

Now that the nursery furniture is all set up, my big project this weekend (well, one of them) was washing & putting away all the baby’s clothes and blankets. I wish I had been doing this all along because doing it all at once SUCKED. It’s finished now though, with linens folded and put away and all the teeniest-tiniest clothes in the dresser. On the shelf are three bins of larger sizes of clothing: up to 6 months, 6 to 12 months, and 12 months +. I’m very impressed with myself for being so organized!

There are a few things I still need to get for the room- the aforementioned basket for toys, a small side table to put next to the chair (I want a round white one and I’m having the worst time finding one), a space heater since it can get cold in there, a wall- or floor lamp to put by the chair, and some of these Ikea Ribba picture ledges to use as bookshelves (pretty mad at myself that I had this idea three days AFTER I went to Ikea…).

On Saturday night I rescued a lost Fjallraven Kanken backpack from that park. It had been there for a few days and FULL DISCLOSURE I was gonna keep it for myself but it turned out to belong to a little boy whose mother had written her phone number inside. I called her yesterday morning to let her know I had it (her nanny had told her the kid left it at school so they didn’t even know it was lost!) and as a thank you she brought me cupcakes (better than a used backpack tbh)! I may have had one for breakfast this morning…

Reward Cupcakes

In really exciting (to me) news, I got eight new colours of glitter for making banners! Sym’s grandma found them at a store by her house and I can’t wait to start using them.

New Colours

Other than that I’ve been doing fun stuff like test-inflating Taylor’s air mattress to make sure it’s in good condition for when my mom comes to stay and buying new sheets for it, switching out the legs on the couch for wheels so it’s easier to move (for Dance Central, if I ever stop being pregnant and can play again!), reorganizing a few closets and slowly finishing putting stuff away that’s still cluttering the dining room from when the carpets were replaced. One day I will get this all done, I swear! I also made big crazy (tentative) plans to paint some furniture but WE’LL SEE.


Also please don’t forget to vote for my friend’s daughter Kyra in the Van’s Foods Bedhead contest! It’s running for four more days and you can vote every day! For more info on Kyra and her parents’ plan for the prize money should they win, check out my post from last week.

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