March 24th

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I put Gwen in jeans for the first time in forever and she was like WHAT THE HECK // the space under Taylor’s work desk is perfectly Dougal-sized // baby eats: sweet & sour pork (bonus game of spot the scavengers) // before // after // running everywhere always // “pick me up!” // she was very proud of this bag & her ability to carry it // brunch bound // Sinful Colors in Hottie & Pinky Glitter // cherry blossom babies // she’s very well behaved in restaurants // SOON I SWEAR // all embroidery, all the time // this would have been a nice picture if these two weren’t so impossible // little sweetheart

Gwen woke up today with two more teeth than she had last night. Those premolars are real sons of bitches, let me tell you, and they are making her a real delight to be around. Combine that with the cat waking me up an hour before my alarm by barfing ON THE BED and I’m having a suuuuuuuuper fantastic day.

I’ve been super into embroidering things recently. It started with adding detail to some of the felt mountains, clouds and trees I’ve been making, but now it’s just like… FULL ON EMBROIDERY. Since I’m super broke right now I decided to make a set of super-cool patches as an anniversary gift for Taylor. It took every last spare moment I had to finish them- except I didn’t ACTUALLY finish all of them in time. In fact I only finished one, OOPS. But I mean, I was working all week, plus I couldn’t work on his gift when he was awake, ie in the evening, ie my most productive crafting hours. I made a couple little embroideries for myself in the evenings, a tiny mountain that I made into a patch and put on my jacket and a tree that is still on the hoop while I finish up Taylor’s anniversary patches.

I made five, since it was our fifth anniversary (I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S BEEN FIVE YEARS). The ~traditional~ fifth anniversary gift is wood, so I made them loosely wood-themed: an evergreen tree, a pair of crossed axes, a campfire, our initials in a heart carved into a tree and a banner with our wedding date on it. The only one I finished in time was the date banner. The others were all done except for the borders, which I mostly finished over the weekend.

I was given all the embroidery supplies I used a few months ago, and at the time I was like “cool, but I’m so busy with banner orders, when am I ever going to have the time to do any of this???” Then last week I had an order on Sunday night that I made and shipped with the rest of my other outstanding orders on Monday, and then I didn’t get another until Friday night, AFTER I gave Taylor his gift. So serendipitous.

Other than our anniversary the big event this weekend was Gwen’s first haircut. We took her to the salon to get bangs cut, and even though I was worried it would be a disaster she was actually really good. She sat in my lap without fighting to get down and only flailed her head when my stylist had scissors near her face a couple times (ARGH). Since her haircut it’s been nice to not have to unstick her hair from her face in the mornings, and give her breakfast without having to wrestle her into a hair elastic first. Plus she looks so cute! I’m kind of like “why didn’t I do this sooner?” but I’m glad I waited for the rest of her hair to grow nice and long first.

My own hair is at the LITERAL WORST length right now. It’s long enough that’s it’s always in my face, but too short to tie back. Barrettes and hair clips don’t really work because it’s too thick and besides, Gwen is always pulling them out. I can only wear a headband for a short amount of time (they hurt my head for some reason) and anyway, they make my hair stick up weird. I’m also reallyyyyyyyyy sick of the purple, so I’m thinking of attempting a soap cap in the near future to get rid of it.

A few other things we did this weekend…

Celebrated our anniversary on Friday night with frozen pizza and champagne. Taylor suggested going out to dinner but the time between my finishing work and Gwen needing to have her dinner is extremely finite, and I didn’t want to be rushed.

On Saturday night Jenn came over to very belatedly celebrate my birthday. She’s moving to Berlin soon so if anyone is interested in the soon-to-be open position of My Friend please submit your friendship resume to me.

Sunday we took Gwen for brunch for the first time since Christmas. She was very good, as was the plate full of fried grease I ate. That afternoon we finally (FINALLY) mounted the old tv to the bedroom wall. It’s only taken me like… two months to get it done, which bodes super well for me ever getting around to photographing all those little things I’ve been sewing and getting them up in the shop, haha. Soon, you guys. SOON.

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7 Replies to “March 24th”

  1. brb applying, does it help if I say that I come with baked goods and entertaining pop culture facts?

    IDK WHY maybe I’m just easily amused but every time you take pictures outside it makes Canada look like this epic magic land. IDK IDK BFF JILL

  2. So you basically have the cutest children on the planet

    PS find me a law job so I can come hang out in Vancouver

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