high summer





this is literally the deepest she’s ever gone in the water


whenever we go to the beach I like to pick some shells or stones or seaglass to bring home, and this weekend I was all about finding the teeniest-tiniest ones I could





I know I KNOW it’s not even summer yet, it’s still spring, but around here you take your summer when you can get it. There’s no telling if July and August will be super rainy so if our summer is early June then so be it. After a few grey-ish days early last week the weekend was AMAZING. Taylor is back to work on Fridays now so when I ended up with a surprise day off I took Gwen to Second Beach, just the two of us. It was kind of spontaneous and neither of use were dressed for the beach, so on Saturday we actually got all our stuff together before heading down to English Bay. It was just… a perfect day. It was sunny and bright with a breeze off the water that stopped it from being too hot, and the beach wasn’t too crowded while we were there (although it was starting to get packed as we were leaving). Some police horses came walking along through the surf and everyone ran down to pet them. A family was blowing giant bubbles for the kids to chase around, including this one which almost got me:


Gwen had so much fun, last year she didn’t even like to walk on the sand and this year she has no problem running down the beach and into the water. She splashed around in her little flamingo suit, dug in the sand with her shovels and ate a ton of beach snacks, before passing out, sweaty and sandy and sunscreeny, in the stroller home. Here’s to many more beach days this summer (and spring)!

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