five things | fifteen

my little poppet welcomes you to this links post 🙂

I’m trying out this wild rose petal sangria this weekend. The group daycare two doors down has wild rose hedges on either side of their front path so the other evening I went and picked all the petals that were just about to fall off.

Working from home by myself kind of means I tend to lose track of time and date. Like, did I remember it was Father’s Day this weekend? Yes I did. But is that okay because in my typical fashion, I ordered gifts for Taylor MONTHS ago. I did want to pick him up one more thing, and this little gift guide of last minute ideas both reminded and inspired me.

All the pins on my jean jacket are ghost & gravestone themed but this unicorn brooch has me feeling maybe I need to branch out, or maybe I should stick with the theme and preorder this enamel ghost pin from The Disaster Life? OR MAYBE BOTH????

I didn’t used to like this half-up topknot style but I tried it out on both Gwen and myself when we went to the beach the other weekend and I think we both looked pretty cute.

I don’t often post about serious events like this because sometimes I don’t feel it’s my place to comment (especially if it’s an issue of race, like do we really need anther white opinion?) and I often struggle to express myself eloquently, but as a non-religious person my friend Karra’s post about the Charleston shooting simply expresses a lot of the things I’m feeling.

3 Replies to “five things | fifteen”

  1. Cutest-ever photo of Gwen! XXX

    PLUS, quit the mayonnaise complaining. Mayonnaise is evil and addictive and I saved you from it when you were a child. Peter always has to have the bloody stuff on his sandwiches and cannot do without. How sad is that?

  2. Welp, here’s another medium-length gal going to try out the half top knot. Maybe I’ll reach TeamGwanie levels of cute. If it was an abysmal failure I reserve the right to forget I ever made this comment.

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