five faves


First of all, thanks so much to everyone for the comments and well-wishes about my pregnancy! I appreciate all the love and likes šŸ™‚ I am now 14 weeks and 1 day so SMELL YA LATER FIRST TRIMESTER. I’m going to start trying to stop taking the anti-nausea medication next weekend to see if I can get by without it now since it makes me super sleepy, and I need all my energy because I’m officially back to work full-time! I started on Monday and this is the first week I’ve worked five days since last summer and it has been hard & exhausting, but hopefully it will get easier soon.

The combination of being back at work full-time plus the gorgeous weather we’ve been having lately has made me extra excited for this weekend. Unfortunately Taylor has a big project at work and will be working a lot of it, but we do have plans to go out on Saturday night to see Noel Fielding (the tickets were my birthday gift). I also need to go buy some supplies to get back into making banners but other than that my main goal for this weekend is to spend as much time outside as I can!

My faves this week…

I saw these Brooks City Chariot Sneakers on instagram like a month and a half ago and have been scouring the internet for them ever since. I finally found them at Saks Fifth Avenue on Monday night, ordered them Tuesday morning and they are out for delivery right now were just delivered!

Last weekend I got Gwen this H&M jumpsuit patterned with bunnies and kitties (her faves!) doing sports and it is just SO CUTE and easy for her to wear.

Sym loves all things Sailor Moon so she is super jealous that she can’t visit the Chibiusa Cafe in Tokyo.

The twitter account Tiny Star Fields is a recent discovery that I am loving. Just a cute lil bunch of stars every now and then to break up my twitter feed is nice sometimes.

I have been looking for a company that will custom print my designs on a fabric that I can use to make soft little swaddle blankets for Baby Laramie, I just got a book of sample swatches from Design Your Fabric and I think I’ve found a winner their 100% cotton gauze.

Happy weekend everyone!

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