life lately

I put up this gallery wall in the play room and I’m pretty happy with it. I actually measured everything and laid it out properly rather than just sticking everything up randomly. I think I got a good balance even though the four big frames are all completely different sizes! I still need to find/make some arts to put in three of the small frames though.

The “cheese” sayer has logged on.

For our garden box this year Gwen said she just wanted flowers, so that’s what we did. I’d moved all the herbs out already (see below) so all that was left was one strawberry plant. A few weeks ago I took her to buy plants and let her pick anything she liked, then told her if we did a very good job of planting everything fairies might move in.

I’m in the middle of having some custom light shades made for the bedroom; these are the first prototype pieces.

I bought some of these little greenhouses from Ikea at the end of last summer and finally just got around to putting plants into them! I wanted an indoor herb garden so I could grab what I needed for cooking without having to go outside. I transplanted the sage, chives and parsely from the garden box, and bought peppermint, oregano, thyme, nasturtium (not an herb but an edible flower so) and fennel plants.

Now that teething is over (for now) Nicky has reverted to being the happy-go-lucky kid he was before he turned one. I was so used to him being cranky all the time and sleeping poorly, the six months between 12 & 18 were a real struggle for all of us. Now his real personality and sense of humour have an opportunity to shine and he’s honestly a delight. Except for when you wash his face. Or hair. Or butt! But the rest of the time, he’s all sunshine.

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