Monday I Mean Wednesday Night

I swear this is my last post today! Anyway for some reason I thought it was Monday today, which is weird because yesterday I also thought it was Monday. This is making the week go by very quickly!

Pork Chop, Carrot Fries & Salad

Tonight’s dinner was brown sugar glazed pork chops, carrot fries and a salad. This was an absurdly easy meal because each dish only took three ingredients: pork chops+brown sugar+butter; carrot sticks+olive oil+salt; butter lettuce+orange cherry tomatoes+yellow pepper. The fries and chops even cooked at the same temperature (400°F) so I didn’t have to do any oven fiddling! I would say this was a total success.

In unrelated-to-dinner news, my newest client asked if his daughter (CF) could come four days a week instead of three, starting May 31st. This is awesome because a) more money which is always good, and b) the extra day he wants is Monday- currently she comes Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, so I’ll still have an easy day on Fridays! Wins all around!

4 Replies to “Monday I Mean Wednesday Night”

    1. 1. Preheat oven to 400°F
      2. mix melted butter with brown sugar (I didn’t measure, I just used like, 2 tbsp of butter & maybe 1/4 cup of sugar)
      3. Put pork chops in an oven-appropriate dish with high sides because the sugar is going to melt all. over. the. place
      4. scoop sugar mix onto chops and sort of smear it all over the top
      5. bake for like 40-45 minutes

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