Rain Rain Go Away

Ready for Rain

We are definitely ready for summer. Anyyyytime you are ready to stop raining and be blue, sky, that would be great. I mean, it’s June already!

Mini Burgers!

Last night I made mini bacon cheeseburgers for dinner (I don’t like calling them sliders, what does that even mean??). No recipe, I just bought pre-made mini-buns and patties and laid out a selection of toppings. I unfortunately didn’t have the time/energy/capacity to make mini fries, but maybe next time! The burgers were a big hit with Sym, and made Taylor feel like a giant.

Giant Man
Sym @ Dinner

We’ve spent the last couple days starting some seriously spring cleaning. I want to get everything ~squared away~ before Georgie (it’s official!) comes, by which I mean getting all of us into the habit of NOT leaving things lying around that we don’t want chewed by puppies! I’ve also been kind of slacking on the housework, which has led to some disastrous build up. I’ve managed to stay on top of the dishes, but the laundry was out. of. control. I think I’ve done five loads in the last two days!

Sym's Room
Sym's Room

Anyway Taylor and I cleaned up our messy bedroom on Sunday, and yesterday Sym did hers, and I helped her vacuum it. Then I told her we should get all the bits of toys and paper and garbage and odd socks out from under her bed, which involved a broom and lots of grossness, especially when I started finding all the granola bar wrappers and ABC gum. Of course that led to more cleaning and vacuuming and eventually, when Sym was in the shower I ended up stripping the mattress and slats off her bed so I could vacuum under it properly. Then I figured as long as I had it half-taken apart I might as well raise the side rails so her mattress sits higher. I don’t know why every cleaning job I undertake ends up requiring a screwdriver!

Sym's Room
Sym's Room
Sym's Room
ghost cat!
Sym's Room
Sym's Room

It turned out to be a genius idea. It makes Sym’s room look better somehow, and with more space under the bed, I was able to hide away all the boxes of books that were previously cluttering up the hallway. Now my hallway is (almost) clean, I don’t have to look at the boxes and feel guilty about not putting up new bookcases yet, and with a bunch of boxes under her bed, Sym won’t be able to fill the space with bits of toys and paper and garbage and odd socks, granola bar wrappers and ABC gum (mostly because I’ve now banned gum from the house for people under the age of 30). I also took extra care to make sure there are no little holes or pathways around the boxes that would let any little animals squeeze all the way back and out of reach.


That’s the cleanest the hallway has been since last fall. I almost forgot there was a door down there! That thing leaning against it is this mirror, which I’m thinking of putting on the door so that I constantly think there’s a person at the end of the hallway, especially at night.


It’s one of those stick-on ones, but I’ll put it up with clips This is a terrible, blurry picture (it’s dark down there) but you get the gist.

4 Replies to “Rain Rain Go Away”

  1. In the first picture of Sym in her room, Claire’s got this “Did you say new puppy?!?!” look on her face, lol.

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