Weekend Recap

I spent a lot of timne this weekend catching up on housework I’d been slacking on while on vacation- I had a couple million loads of laundry and dishes to do, floor to vacuum and mop and tons of garbage to go out. We even took out Taylor’s old grey couch and left it in the alley with a sign saying “Free Couch! No Bedbugs! HOW COOL!!” Silly, but it worked, since a day later it’s gone without a trace.

I did do some (lots!) of fun stuff though. On Saturday afternoon we went out front to the West End Farmer’s Market for homous, rainier cherries and fudge.
Veggie Pitas with Bean Boy Homous
whole wheat pitas + green leaf lettuce, mini cucumbers, Tomatogems tomatoes + Bean Boy Smoky Tomato Chipotle Homous, mmm, so good!

I also finished cutting out these Fantastic Toys animals & accessories and assembled them.
Fantastic Toys
I got these to practice before starting the Fairy Mushroom Cottage set because this is FIDDLY-ASS work. My advice: use the tiniest embroidery scissors you can find, and score all your fold lines with a metal edged ruler and the back of a knife before folding.
Fantastic Toys
I didn’t have any toothpicks to spread the glue so I used my second-smallest paintbrush and it worked fine.
Fantastic Toys
My printer has some emotional problems so all the blacks have weird lines, but Sym doesn’t seem to mind!
Fantastic Toys

Saturday evening I wanted to go buy this cat condo that’s 40% off at the pet store by my house but SOMEONE was too busy playing Red Dead Redemption to leave the house in a timely fashion so they were closed already. Instead we tried out a different Japanese restaurant than normal (the food was good but the other diners were a pack of dummies. One guy tried to order sweet & sour pork and another guy told his date that soy was just green beans. WHAT?)

Today we slept in, which was AWESOME. Actually, we woke up super early to take the dogs out and then went back to sleep for three hours, which is almost as good as just sleeping in. Later Taylor wanted to go to the comic book store, which turned into going to Urban Outfitters where he got a shirt, Future Shop to look at cameras (mine is breaking, boohoo) and Winners, where I bought a turquoise sheet set for our bed, a canvas basket for the dogs toys (I want to train Georgie to put her toys away when she’s done with them, but right now she’s scared of the basket!) and this cute matryoshka-print blanket for Sym’s room.
Sym's New Blanket
She’s been alternating between boiling under her duvet and freezing under this silly pink baby blanket she has so I thought a lightweight, size-appropriate blanket was in order.

So tomorrow it’s back to work for me, and the start of daycamp for Sym. I’m sort of ready to go back but still, I wish vacation could last forever! Georgie agrees.
Georgie Sleeps

Unrelated: Taylor took this photo in Kelowna last spring and I recently rediscovered it.
I’d originally planned on painting the library yellow, with grey & white furniture/accents, but now I’m thinking of using this picture for ~inspiration~ and doing it yellow & purple instead. I think it might be epic. EPIC.

6 Replies to “Weekend Recap”

  1. You need to teach me the way of the craft, Tanie. I have grand ideas that never come to fruition, and you always come up with interesting projects.

    1. This one was easy.

      1. download papercraft set
      2. print, cut, fold, glue
      3. do nothing cuz you’re finished.

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