Popsicle Party

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I thought for this week I’d try something different than juice and fruit, with somewhat peculiar results. BEHOLD: the Nutella/Vanilla Yogurt Pop!

Nutella/Vanilla Yogurt Pops

It looks… I don’t even know. Anyway.

Nutella/Vanilla Yogurt Pops
Nutella/Vanilla Yogurt Pops
Nutella/Vanilla Yogurt Pops
Nutella/Vanilla Yogurt Pops

These were pretty simple- I mixed together 1/2 a cup of vanilla yogurt and 1/2 a cup of Nutella and used my trusty piping bag to get the result into the popsicle mold. My popsicle mold holds more than a cup of popsicle mix? batter? but I didn’t want to make a full batch in case these were a gross failure.

Nutella/Vanilla Yogurt Pops

The result was… idk. They were hard to get out of the mold and I had to run hot water over them for longer than I would have liked so they were pretty melty. I don’t think Nutella is a good candidate for freezing anyway. Symphony and her friend Ali said they were good at first but halfway through they were like “WE DON’T LIKE THESE ANYMORE” and threw them in the sink. I think Taylor’s face pretty much says it all here.

Nutella/Vanilla Yogurt Pops

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