Pieces from the Weekend

Goldenpup & I
Goldenpup & I in the creamsicle-orange bathroom aka the surface of the sun
symphony’s birthday party
Party Decorations

Seeing how I was mightily pressed for time this year, I didn’t go as all-out with the decorations as I normally do. I put Clay in charge of hanging tissue-paper pompom flowers and crêpe paper streamers and left well enough alone.


The food was simple- sandwiches & veggies, popcorn and cheesy poofs (which were devoured in under 20 minutes) and some pop to drink. I also didn’t plan any birthday party activities and as it turns out, when you have eight 9-year-old girls in the house all they want to do is run around slamming doors, scream, and listen to Lady Gaga. FINE BY ME.


Instead of a cake I stuck candles into a pile of mini-funfetti cupcakes and doughnuts which I dipped in glaze and decorated with pink, blue, purple and yellow sugar and sprinkles.

The reason I had so little time for any party-planning/staging was that I spent all my free time last week working on Sym’s gift. She told me she wanted me to make her something, so I pulled out the patterns from last Christmas’s Sailor Senshi dolls and made her a little Felt Family.

Felt Family
Little Symmie, Little Taylor, Little Mommy

I know, I’m the awesomest mom ever. I actually wanted to make all out pets too but QUELLE SURPRISE I ran out of time. It took me until after midnight on Thursday to finish these! I guess Little Dougal/Kichou/Claire and Georgie will have to go on my “to sew” list, along with Tuxedo Kamen and Sailors Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. I swear I’ll make all of these some day!

everything else

The rest of the weekend was sort of a blur of shopping, watching movies, piling every blanket onto the couch and eating delicious food I didn’t have to cook. Friday night we had takeout from Cafe Luxy and watched Ponyo. Well, Sym and I watched it, Taylor fell asleep at seven so we sent him to bed!

Saturday afternoon I took Sym out to use the gift cards she got for her birthday and buy a new coat- Taylor tagged along but did his own shopping. After Sym went to her dad’s we watched Dude, Where’s My Car? (I DON’T EVEN KNOW) and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which means we’re all ready for part one of The Deathly Hallows next week! That evening we went out to Society in Yaletown for a late dinner- Taylor had an enormous steak and I had the shake’n’bake chicken. For dessert we shared white chocolate-filled doughnut holes, and the birthday party at the next table shared some cake with us as a thank you for my taking some pictures of their group.

Today we were going to just have a lazy day but ever since September’s Frye boot debacle I’ve had a bee in my bonnet about finding some new fall/winter boots. I looked in a couple of stores while I was out on Saturday but couldn’t find anything a) and really liked and b) was available in my size! So this morning I did some internet research and came up with a couple of options, and decided to go out to Gravity Pope to check out some of my choices irl. I’m happy to report that it was a success and I have FINALLY found my new boots!


Exactly what I was looking for, waterproof, and only $200? SIGN ME UP! Unfortunately they only had my size in brown, but are ordering in a black pair for me.

On the way home we looked in a couple of shops and picked up some miscellaneous stuff, like this beautiful orange Le Creuset kettle (on sale!) and this silly owl from Homewerx for my Christmas tree.

New Tea Kettle
The Christmas Owl
one last thing…

6 Replies to “Pieces from the Weekend”

  1. Sym looks so pretty in her dress.. She’s becoming a little lady. The party goodies look yummy. She said she had a good time. Georgie is very photogenic.

  2. Symmie’s party stuff looks great – way more effort than I make with Taran’s birthday idiocy. 9 year old boys want to run around screaming, beat the crap out of each other, and drink sugar water until they have the heart rate of hummingbirds. Works for me.

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