

I haven’t been posting because I’ve been dealing with some work stuff that is just like, a total nightmare, I don’t really want to get into it but it’s making me very depressed. Suffice it to say that I just want to scrap this whole daycare thing and focus on going to the gym and painting unicorn pictures more than I ever before in my entire child care career. Also bumming me out:

rain, rain go (die) away (from me)

Some stuff that doesn’t suck:
I have these little floor mats in my foyer that I cut into cloud shapes, but they were getting really old and in some places the cloud curves were curling up from a combination of use and being chewed by certain small dogs. I’d tried to flatten them back out by ironing them but that just made a hideous reek, so I was looking at buying all new mats. LAME. Then the other night I remembered I had a bunch of circles cut from another floor mat for a project I’d planned but never actually finished, and they were the same size as the curves on the cloud mats. I cut out the damaged sections and taped the new pieces in place and voilà!

Repaired Foyer Cloud Mats
Repaired Foyer Cloud Mats

The new pieces are a lighter grey and I didn’t want to try to line up the grooves so I put them perpendicular to the originals, but I think they look pretty good!

Georgie Squeaking

Georgie never sucks, even though this morning she puked up a bunch of chewed floor mat pieces all over my leggings.

Sym & the Gummi Bear

Symphony and the giant gummi bear she got from the Christmas Elf’s second visit DEFINITELY don’t suck (This picture is from Saturday).

3 Replies to “Clouds”

  1. I was wondering if you were okay. I know it sounds like platitudes that anyone would say, but I genuinely hope that the daycare stuff resolves with a minimum of fuss and you are feeling better soon. Also, awesome rainboots!

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