Clouds & Sunshine

I finished painting Taylor’s desk this week, so I thought I’d share it with you before it got really messy and cluttered with garbage and computer parts (like my desk, haha!). This is what it looked like before:


If you recall, we’d MEANT to buy the black-brown one but I swear the boxes were in the wrong place and we ended up with antique stain instead. I actually didn’t mind the colour, but it didn’t go with the other furniture in the office so we decided to paint it a grey to go with the walls. Now, Taylor really didn’t want to have to go to the hardware store to get paint chips to choose a colour so he just used the chip I already had. It was two whites and a two light greys, so he chose the darker of the greys (the walls are the lighter), but it’s still really light, like it’s barely darker than the walls! I personally would have chosen a slightly darker grey, but hey, it’s his desk and his money!

Taylor's Desk

For fun I taped off the ends of the legs and painted them metallic silver, and I also replaced the hardware on the drawer. The pull it came with was really ugly so I put this generic-looking knob on instead- I wanted to get a crystal one to go with the knobs on my desk, but the hardware store was out of them! I remembered that they have pretty ones at The Cross in Yaletown so I might go look for a new one this weekend. The robot light was a gift from our friends Jenn and Rich a couple of Christmases ago, and the amorphous black blob on the floor next to the cables (note to self: CABLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) is Kichou’s furry dog bed.

I still have some shelves to put up on the wall for all his videogames and things, and to help coordinate Taylor’s primarily grey side of the office with my yellow-desk side I added (what else?) some yellow bunting.


It also cheers that side of the room up, especially since it’s started raining here again. If I have to have clouds in the sky, I can at least have sunshine on the walls! (PS Did I put this bunting on etsy? Of course I did! Get your own here and brighten up your space!)

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