Morning Warm Ups

It was so cold this morning, I had to wear long underwear when I took Georgie out for her walk. UNACCEPTABLE. I was all frosty when I got back so I made myself a nice breakfast to warm myself up.


When Taylor got back he was equally freezy so I simmered up some cinnamon apple cider for him. I broke up my cinnamon stick and had to strain all the little pieces with the half-teaball I use for sifting small amounts of icing sugar. I do NOT recommend doing this btw- the half-teaball has no handle so I had to pinch it between my fingers, which got thoroughly steamed. You (I) should definitely use a larger sieve for this.

Cinnamon Apple Cider

The daycare kids almost always want the same thing for morning snack (which is really easy so I can’t complain): Cheerios and penguins!

Cheerios & Cheese Penguins

The penguins are cheese crackers, like goldfish but not as expensive, and the kids are OBSESSED with them. I use whole wheat crackers & multi grain Cheerios to make this a little more nutritional. I mix them together and keep a jar of them in the kitchen, which usually lasts all week, until Friday afternoons when Sym and her friends eat everything in the house.

Cheerios & Cheese Penguins

This picture is from last night, but here’s another of my two favorite warming items, they are both very fuzzy and warm.

Two Fuzzies

I can’t get over how much fluffier Georgie gets each day. She’s starting to look like a real little pom!

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