Two Years

Two years ago I was lucky enough to be able to marry the handsomest, most wonderful man alive. Happy anniversary Taylor, I love you so much.

Sleepy Love

(This was before he went to work last night & he was very sleepy)
In a sort of celebration I finally put something up on the Tanie + Taylor page. Be warned, it has a billion pictures!

Some stuff I’ve been up to besides typing up that behemoth:

Ceiling Poms

Putting up more tissue paper pompoms in the naproom. I really just want to fill the whole ceiling with them. Is that crazy?

Breakfast at Tree House & Hot Chocolate

Finally framed my Breakfast at Tree House print, although I still need to find somewhere to hang it up. It’s pictured here with hot chocolate & marshmallow fluff.

Speaking of frames, check out this awesome one I bought this weekend.

New Frame
New Frame

It opens like a little cupboard! Just guess what I’m going to put in it. JUST GUESS. (If you said MICRO BUNTING give yourself a pat on the back). Other things I bought include a bulletin board for my office, pale purple paper for my next project, and new shoes (which I wore for too long on Saturday afternoon, giving myself tons of blisters, oops).

Essie Turquoise & Caicos
Turquoise Nails

Painted my nails again, Essie Turquoise & Caicos. Which I just bought. YES I BOUGHT ANOTHER NAIL POLISH WHAT OF IT. Actually I bought two. Actually Taylor bought them, so I guess I get a pass on my crazy nail polish obsession.

Now I have to go attend to a bunch of stuff, most notably this horrible laundry monster. I usually never do this, I swear, I just really didn’t want to fold sheets and towels this weekend.

Laundry Monster

It’s just the first of many things I have to do around here before the end of the week when I leave for vacation (more on that later!).

10 Replies to “Two Years”

  1. I LOVE that Essie polish, but I don’t know where to buy it… and unless I’m getting shipping free, I feel wonky about buying polish online!

    Also, happy anniversary! You guys are such a great couple and Taylor seems like a badass.

    1. I got it at the drugstore, but Canadian drugstores are fancier than American ones.

      Taylor says he accepts your “badass” assessment. I’m not sure I do though; to me he’s more like a fuzzy wuzzy wubbins.

  2. i can’t believe it’s been 2 years already!! i remember when you were working out all the time and then BOOM BAM SPLAT SURPRISE WE GOT MARRIED!

    hope your anniversary was great! 🙂

  3. Happy Anniversary!

    and I just bought a new essie polish myself and I’m loving it. Of course, the day I paint my nails a nice spring color we get hit with a foot of snow…

    1. Ooh, what colour? Essie polishes are so nice.

      Also, what’s with the snow? IT’S SPRING, WEATHER. GET IT TOGETHER ALREADY.

      1. It’s nice is nice, it’s a pretty lilac/light purple color.

        I know. I just bought some spring clothes, we just opened opened the hot tub and started cleaning up the yard and then BAM! More crappy weather.

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