Saturday is Treat Day

Taylor has been on his special diet for just over two weeks now, so I thought I’d post a little update on how it’s going.

So far there has been no improvement in the rash, which sucks because this is the whole reason why we’re doing this thing. It can take up to eight weeks to see results though, so hopefully something happens!

Planning meals around his restrictions and trying out new dishes got rull old, rull fast. There have been a few days when I just said SORRY HUSBAND and made like, cheese tortellini with cheese sauce sprinkled with cheese for Sym and myself.

All Cheese Tortellini

Then I feel guilty and end up nagging him to make himself something more than just plain brown rice and raw carrots for dinner. Charming. I did manage to finally find wheat-free steel cut oats, and I also attempted two more soups (roasted butternut squash, and vegetable & rice/noodle) but neither was as good as the potato & leek.

One (semi-expected) side effect of eating totally healthy foods all the time: weight loss! He’s also been going to the gym regularly again, and combined with this diet he’s seeing some fast results. I asked him if that meant that he wanted to keep eating this way forever and he said maybe, but that he’d still like to have “Butterfield treat days.”

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