Blasts from the Past

Recently I’ve really been getting into things from my youth. The week I was involved in this tumblr exchange:

Country Road

… and ever since I can’t not listen to John Denver. It reminds me of being a little kid; my parents had a bunch of his records and I just remember listening to them at happy times.

this song accurately portrays my feelings about the love of my life:

Pouty Halloween Dog

Another recent rediscovery is my second-favourite teen drama (after Dawson’s Creek, obviously), the original Beverly Hills, 90210.

Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Cast

When 90210 first started airing, I was 13 years old and just SO not into it, but with the July/August summer season at the start of season 2 I got hooked. It was summer and there was nothing else on, and really those two summer seasons (season three had one as well) were genius moves by the producers or the network or whoever thought it up.

The first six seasons are on Netflix and WOW is this show ever amazing. The fashions! The acting! All the times Brenda says “breast!” The really old teenagers! And did I mention the fashions? It’s the early 90s at it’s best, tbh. The only thing that sucks is the entire seasons aren’t actually available- certain episodes are missing. In the first season it’s just the penultimate episode, “Spring Dance,” where Brenda loses her virginity to Dylan and David wins a dance contest. I think it’s pretty big BS that the episode where Brandon loses his virginity to his troubled ex-girlfriend (“The First Time”) IS available but Brenda’s big sexual awakening isn’t.

The first couple episodes of season two (with Brenda’s pregnancy scare) are also missing, as well as several others, including the classic episode “The Next 50 Years,” where Scott Scanlon shoots his face off.

Deep stuff. Hopefully one day I’ll find the missing episodes (and the later seasons) because you know there is no way I’m not watching all ten glorious seasons of this nonsense.

no nail post today; because of Thanksgiving I had the day off and forgot it was Monday, oops

4 Replies to “Blasts from the Past”

  1. Not having those episodes in particular is some serious bullshit. I taped the Spring Dance episode (lol VHS) and watched it so many times that I knew all of the dialogue. I could probably still recite most of it, especially the argument that Kelly and Brenda have when the realize they have the same dress.

  2. Yeah, a few years ago one of our networks had reruns of old 90210 episodes and I got SO into it again, I will never not enjoy this.

    Also one of the few shows that didn’t get completely messed up after the college transition.

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