As I mentioned on Friday, I’ve been messing around with changing up the look of my blog. Nothing big, like no huge layout redesign or anything (PERISH THE THOUGHT), just a new header and buttons and whatnot. I finally finished individually placing every little tiny pennant yesterday afternoon, so here it is!
These colours together remind me of spring and Easter and basically every single piece of felt-tip marker art I made/letter I wrote in grades 4 through 7. Happy fun colourful bunting to get rid of these crummy winter blahs. In fact, I’ve had enough of winter, this is now pre-spring!
I also made coordinating images for the two facebook pages and my etsy shop, as well the contact buttons (I’m especially pleased with those), and I’m also considering making myself a new business card to match. I REALLY like this design, I think it’s really me. What do you all think?
in love with it, it’s perfect and very YOU. particularly obsessed with the new buttons.
very festive!
I really like it, but I’m also pretty enamored with bunting so I might be a little biased.
it’s perfect!
Oh my goooddd the buttons. Definitely make business cards!!!
Good job – love it!
ty Jenn!