Tiny Bubbles

Bubble Machine!

This past weekend I picked up a new bubble machine. If you don’t know, a bubble machine is LITERALLY the best thing you can have if you need to be outside with kids on a sunny day. I used to have a bigger, fancier one that was given to me, but it used about 80 batteries and eventually stopped working, so last summer I was bubble machine-less. NOT GOOD. This one was cheap and only needs 2 AA batteries; you can get like, INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH party bubble machines if you have intense bubble needs but the little one is fine for us.

Bubble Machine!
Bubble Machine!

One good tip for bubble machines is you need to set up a NO POPPING ZONE around it (mine is outlined in blue chalk on the pavement), because otherwise kids (especially older kids) will just stand with their hands right in front of the machine, popping the bubbles as soon as their formed. WOW. WHAT A SUPER FUN TIME FOR EVERYONE.

Chalk Bubbles

Sym and her friend Ana Lucia also drew some chalk pictures of bubbles, from little individual ones…

Chalk Bubbles

… to this abstract representation of what it would look like if you were inside the bubble!

Chalk Bubbles

I think I had the machine going for almost an hour, going through an entire (small) bottle of bubble liquid. I really can’t recommend bubble machines enough, they’re a great way to make an ordinary afternoon into something extra fun.

Bubble Machine!

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