Metal Heart

My husband and I have similar taste in lots of things. We love a lot of the same movies and tv shows, we enjoy the same kind of vacations, and sometimes we inadvertently dress alike. One place where our tastes REALLY diverge though, is music. Oh sure, we both listen to some of the same things but it’s really evident in our workout playlists. I have a whole ipod with nothing on it but Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Ke$ha and Selena Gomez, and Taylor? When he’s working out he listens to METAL.

Of course we’re lazy these days so recently our workout playlists have become more like housework playlists, and nothing is more disturbing to me than coming back from a bathroom break to find Taylor dusting to the sounds of Mastodon. Maybe it’s just me though, maybe other people like working out to metal, so I asked him to come up with a list of his best metal songs to listen to while running on a treadmill- or running a vacuum.

Beneath my bearded (Ed. WHAT BEARD YOU SHORN LIAR???), flannelled indie rock exterior beats the secret heart of a metalhead. Oh sure I can discuss merits of various Grizzly Bear albums or why Bon Iver is overrated but really I’m dying to talk about how FRICK’N AWESOME Brandon Small’s Galaktikon is. Below is a good sampling of what I’d be listening to while doing my 5K at the gym if I hadn’t totally fallen off the wagon.

Mastodon – Crystal Skull
3 Inches of Blood – Leather Lord
Iron Maiden – The Trooper
Bison B.C – These Are My Dress Clothes
F_cked Up* – Royal Swan
Mastodon – Naked Burn
Dethklok – Laser Cannon Death Sentence
The Sword – Barael’s Blade
Kylesa – Static Tensions
Dethklok – Volcano
The Blood Brothers* – Trash Flavoured Trash
Mastodon – Hearts Alive


Honourable Mentions because they’re not listed on RDIO
Mares of Thrace – Mandible
Brendon Small – Beastblade
* Not technically ‘metal’ but it meets my requirement of being excellent running music.

Please note that these are the opinions solely of my husband and I have like, NO IDEA what any of these songs even sound like.

13 Replies to “Metal Heart”

  1. This is a really cute post. I want Kiah to make a playlist now so I can feature it. His would probably be more like your playlist though. The man loves Demi Lavato.

  2. I was about to listen to this, but OF COURSE, I am unable to because of my wonderful geographical location, so I’m just going to shelve the idea for the moment and download these tomorrow. >:)

    because now I MUST hear them.

    1. …. I only ask because normally I can’t listen to or watch things because of MY geographical location.

      1. slovenia and i feel that in this aspect of the internet, canada (you) and i have something in common.

  3. Has Taylor ever read Chuck Klosterman’s Fargo Rock City? The book is basically a love letter to all sorts of metal; I think he would enjoy it!

      1. Well, at least you didn’t say Lev Grossman sucks! I went out today on a sick day to get my paperback copy of the Magician King. 😀

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