30 Weeks/The Last Day

30 Weeks
30 Weeks
30 Weeks w/Husband & Dogs
30 Weeks w/Georgie

Super late post & photobooth pics again- Taylor just got back from SF this evening and the last thing he wanted to do was break out his camera.

Today I am 30 weeks pregnant, which just seems UNBELIEVABLE to me. How did this pregnancy go so quickly???? (Watch: not the last ten weeks are gonna drrrraaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggg). I had hoped by this point to be much further along on my nesting-slash-nursery preparations, but unfortunately there’s a mold situation going on it what’s going to be the baby’s room, so I have to wait for the property management to crack open the offending wall to see what’s inside, fix whatever mess they find and then replace the wall, baseboard and the carpet before I can even start! Originally I’d planned to paint the room in early August and W O W am I glad I never got around to it yet!

In happier, less gross-smelling news, today was my LAST DAY OF WORK. I know, I’m super excited too! I was actually hoping it would be a calm, relaxing day, especially since I only had one daycare kid and she was picked up early, but that’s not how it went. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s life with too much detail, so I’ll just say that the entire day was just a disaster of things that come out of human and animal orifices and I basically wished I was dead from 7:20am onward. But it’s all over now, I don’t have to go back to work for a year and I can just focus on baby stuff (and etsy stuff, SO MANY ETSY STUFF omg) for the next two-ish months.

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