Ceramic leaf made by Sym in grade three, kukui nut necklace from the Fairmont Kea Lani.
Continuing my theme of starting fresh in 2013, I spent the whole of last night cleaning and rearranging my bedroom. I don’t have any before pics but it was cramped and messy and dark. Now it’s open and tidy and dark (basement apartment room, one window, which is the reason these pictures aren’t great), and 1,000% better.
I moved the bed over a little and there was room for the dressers on the south wall- before they were on the (shorter) west wall and stacked up and it was dark and oppressive and I was over it. I actually want to replace these with taller dressers (Taylor has too many clothes to fit them all in ONLY six drawers) in white, and I still need to paint and get curtains but for now this is good.
To stop Taylor (and myself… ) from piling dirty laundry and garbage all over I arranged some knick knacks and things on top of them.
I’ve had this vintage typewriter since 1998. THAT’S RIGHT, I INVENTED WHIMSY.
These are the unread/currently being read books in my room: Sailor Moon 8, The Vampire Diaries & The Secret Circle, Sym’s copy of Under Wildwood, and the copy of Reamde I gave Taylor for Christmas in 2011 which he hasn’t read yet (RUDE). Fun fact: that little skull is full of vodka.
My unikeet & unicorn.
Also yesterday I finally solved the side table problem I was having in Gwen’s room. I couldn’t find anything the right size/height/price/colour, but yesterday I was at Michael’s and they had all their storage items 50% off. I picked up this open cube for $25 and added some castors I had lying around the house and voila!
You’re just stinkin’ adorable. I love the room.
Thank you!!! It’s so nice and clean in their now, I want to stay in bed all the time. Oops.
looks great. what a cute little typewriter!
Thanks!! The typewriter actually works still (it has a ribbon that isn’t totally worn out) and has a carrying case, god help me but I used to carry it around and type shit on it lol.
Your room looks so relaxing! Love it.