Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

First of all I wanted to say thank you to everyone who requested one of the mini posters! And also I’m sorry for not posting sooner, but I’ve been dealing with some SERIOUS DECISIONS that were stressing me out so much all I could do was mindlessly work on etsy orders (all weekend, which I don’t normally do), watch Friday Night Lights (I started on Saturday morning and I’m halfway through season three), and then recap Friday Night Lights for Taylor since he sleeps through a lot of my prime tv watching hours. ANYWAY. I’m going to email everyone but in case you are watching here are the winners:

top row, 5x7s: black & blue nebula on tan cardstock winner: Varia, white & pink roses on white cardstock winner: Aviva, brown gradient on tan cardstock winner: Stephanie, white & pink nebula on cream watercolour paper winner: Jas, white & pink roses on tan cardstock winner: Elina
bottom row, 4x6s: brown gradient on glossy photo paper winner: no one wanted this one haha, pink & pink roses on cream watercolour paper winner: Ash, white & pink nebula on tan cardstock winner: Marisa, black & pink nebula on glossy photo paper winner: Leslie, white & pink roses on cream watercolour paper winner: Anne, black & blue nebula on glossy photo paper winner: Pris

If you see your name here and you DIDN’T get an email let me know. Again, THANK YOU to everyone who played along, and if you didn’t win don’t forget you can download and print out whichever one(s) you want. Downloads can be found here.

And since no post would be complete without the requisite baby pictures…
First riot grrrl pigtails AND the first time wearing the jersey I bought in December 2011 ie before I was even pregnant. Also first time capturing her latest milestone:
Standing and (almost) walking! Like a little Rory Calhoun!

8 Replies to “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner”

  1. Have all the e-mails been sent out already?

    PS. Gotta echo all the other comments! That jersey on that baby = ADORABLE!

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