Bits & Pieces

I spent a good portion of last Saturday putting paper snow on the roof of my cardboard cabin and Gwen has spent this week very thoughtfully cleaning it off for me. Thanks, baby! I’ve also been doing lots of my favourite new holiday activities: slowly moving all the ornaments higher up on the tree as Gwen undecorates it (my technique to avoid baby/tree crises was a wash with her), and arguing with Sym about doing Christmas activities. Yay!

Baby lives here.
Since Gwen is enormous now I took down the change table attachment from the shelf in her room. I rearranged all her toys and books and little pictures and her room seems so much bigger and brighter now (could also be due to my replacing a burnt out lightbulb in there). I finally started working again on the two forest paintings I’ve been planning forever; one of them is meant to go behind her crib so I think I should start it while she’s still in the crib.

Also: all my new banner styles are now up in the shop and available for custom orders! Some of them are really great so check them out.
Lol goofy paws what r u doing

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