miscellaneous monday


Every time I am invited to a wedding I totally stress about what to wear. All my clothes are basically sweatpants/pajamas, although this year I’ve supplemented that charming combo with hippy dress as well. None of which is wedding appropriate, so last week when I realized I had a wedding to go to on Saturday morning I was like OH CRAP. Any clothes I DO have that are wedding guest appropriate pre-date my second pregnancy and don’t fit currently, so I had to get something new. Taylor also needed shoes so on Friday morning we had a semi-frantic shopping trip, lil ones in tow. I ended up spending more than I should have, although the dress I bought will also be suitable for Taylor’s Christmas party this year ie the only other event I will need to dress up for. PLUS it has pockets. Of course, when I got to the wedding there was a guy there wearing shorts with black socks so idek why I bothered? this literally happens every time I got to a wedding: I stress over what to wear and then there is someone in shorts. Or jorts! One time I went to a wedding at a country club and one of the bride’s best friends showed up in a denim overalls dress. BASICALLY next time I’m wearing the sweatpants.

While we were at the wedding I started to fill kind of cruddy, because why WOULDN’T I get sick on a weekend? As a result I spent pretty much the whole on Saturday night/all of Sunday sleeping on the couch and reading. I’ve been rereading one of my fave series: Memory, Sorrow and Thorn, AND I recently learned the author is working on a sequel trilogy, which is SO EXCITING! Of course the first book of the new series doesn’t even come out until next spring, and I will probably have a breakdown waiting for the rest of the series to come out (like I did with the original trilogy back in high school).

Anyway, being sick meant I didn’t get to do a lot of the stuff I wanted to this weekend, mainly buying more paint to start on a couple new sets of blocks. TERRIBLE I KNOW. It DIDN’T stop me from going to Ikea (right after the wedding, it was near one of the local Ikeas) to pick up a couple bits & pieces. One thing I’ve been trying to find is a little wooden bowl to put some of the blocks in (I’m obsessed ok) but everything I’ve found has been either to big, too ugly or too expensive. Ikea has these little bamboo bowls though, that are perf. Taylor thought I should get the medium size but I was adamant the small would work and I was right! I’m planning on painting a set of blocks in a woodland theme (greens and browns with a little red) and this bowl will be perfect to display them in.

My neighborhood newsletter came a couple weeks ago and the big news in it (honestly the only big news that’s ever been in it lbr) was about the little house next door. Apparently in June the owners (it’s owned by like a real estate investment group or something) submitted their horrible development plan and had their public hearing scheduled BUT two days later the city was like NEVER MIND, cancelled the hearing and returned their plan, saying they needed to completely start over. HA! In the meantime they have been renting it out as a short-term vacation property, which is actually illegal in Vancouver and is pretty annoying because there are people partying there almost every weekend. Multiple people have called the cops about it, as well as calling the city to complain, so I hope they get in lots of shit. The thing is the house was SO EXPENSIVE (over 2 million) but it’s so small that if were they to try to rent it out to an actual tenant, no one who could afford what they’d have to charge to make it worthwhile would want to rent such a tiny place. BASICALLY it’s a big fat real estate lemon and I’m cackling.

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