What I’ve Been Reading


Sport, 92/104

This is it, the last book I read in 2010. I read a total of 92 books, meaning if I’d just read one more book per month I would have made my goal. So close!

Now I need to decide how I’m going to continue. Originally I was just going to keep adding to my 104 Books list, but now I’m not so sure. Maybe instead I should just start a new book list for 2011? Should I set a new goal or just read for funsies and see how I do? Should I make a rule to read only new books, or do rereads count? I guess I should figure this out! EDIT I decided to do a new list for each year, and made a new Reading Lists page (it’s also linked at the upper right of my blog, just above the header) to keep track of everything.

a full list of all this year’s books can always be found here

3 Replies to “What I’ve Been Reading”

    1. I count it when I read a book I’ve read before, but not if I read the same book twice in one year, which I’ve been known to do with my favorites.

      1. I would also say rereading counts, unless you flip past massive parts in order to just reread one part. That is cheating! Also, keep up the list, but don’t put any pressure on yourself! Who knows, maybe you’ll read more this year.

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