Colour Challenge

Yesterday afternoon I went back to Zara on Robson and lol and behold, they had the tank top:

Zara Rainbow Tank

Of course they are crazy and only had smalls and mediums but in a burst of cleansing synchronicity, the medium fit me for once (usually Zara mediums fit around like, one of my arms).

After I bought it I started thinking more about reintroducing colour into my wardrobe. Now, when I was at the store I was like OH I SHOULD BUY LEMON YELLOW SHORT SHORTS AND A ROYAL BLUE BELT AND HOT PINK SANDALS TO GO WITH MY NEW TOP!!! but I think that is a little deranged and I would never actually wear all that at once. Instead, I’m going to take a slow approach and trying to incorporate one colourful item a week into my outfits. Sound too easy? It’s more about being frugal. With the exception of my new tank top, here are my clothes that aren’t grey/black/white/denim:

Six Coloured Clothing Items

a. rainbow stripe terry cloth bikini (haven’t worn in years; might not fit)
b. olive-green floral dress (haven’t worn in years; might not fit)
c. rainbow/butterfly/star dress (love but too tight in bust; never worn)
d. turquoise peep-toe pumps
e. pale green tree print dress
f. multi-coloured floral skirt
So there you have it. Three dresses, one that might not fit and one that definitely doesn’t fit; one skirt; one pair of heels; and one bikini that might not fit and in any case, isn’t exactly appropriate for every day wear, especially in early spring. Basically, if I want to wear coloured clothes, I need to buy/dye/find/bed/borrow/steal them first!

10 Replies to “Colour Challenge”

  1. Incidentally, the one piece of clothing that you made for me were rainbow-striped toe socks. Remember!?

    I love dress C.

    1. Of course I remember, I was telling someone about those just the other day!

      I love that dress too- I bought it online and even though it’s a size twelve I cant zip it over my boobs, cry cry. I couldn’t bear to return it so now it just hangs in my closet while I debate whether I should have it made into a skirt, or try and lose one thousand pounds so it’ll fit. DECISIONS, DECISIONS.

  2. That rainbow/star/butterfly dress is awesome. Make it fit! ;p
    It would still be awesome as a skirt

    1. lol! It’s by Eley Kishimoto, but I think it’s a few seasons old (I got it on clearance) so idek where you could find it.

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