34 Weeks

Week 33
Week 33
Week 33


Baby Laramie at 33 Weeks 6 Days

Yesterday I had my third ultrasound, and it was no less exciting the see Baby Laramie than at my other two, although once babies get this big you don’t get such a good view or pics. I actually have another one of the face taken straight on, and it’s TERRIFYING. It looks like a Michael Jackson zombie.

Some recent pregnant things:
1. Baby Laramie is DEFINITELY a girl, yesterday’s scan double-confirmed it. She also weighs around five pounds, or 1/2 of a Georgie.
2. My formerly low-lying placenta has moved up and out of the way like a good placenta should, so I’m not worrying about placenta previa anymore.
3. I’m running out of room in my body for the baby + all my organs and bones. Slouching or leaning forward? HAHAHAHA forget it.
4. There have been some recent developments that indicate that I might be able to breastfeed after all, and I’m pretty thrilled about it. I mean, it’s not a for sure thing, but it’s like, an honour just to be nominated, you know?

Now that the room has been painted and carpets have been replaced, we can finally start getting the nursery together (starting with buying nursery furniture this weekend). Maybe once that’s done I’ll actually start to feel like the pregnancy is dragging like everyone keeps telling me I will. idk though; I still have so much stuff to do around the house, plus etsy work, plus Halloween is coming up, plus Sym’s birthday and then whoops it’ll be my due date. Six weeks isn’t really that much time!

7 Replies to “34 Weeks”

  1. I just have to say that you look great and your hair is absolutely amazing!! You make me wish I could pull off bangs like that and I’m loving the color! šŸ™‚

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