Out With the Old

It’s finally starting to look like spring outside (by which I mean we’re having freakishly mercurial weather, so very Vancouver) and since I’m caught up on Etsy orders (not just caught up but AHEAD, I can’t believe it) I decided to spend this weekend on a little spring decluttering. I sold a bunch of furniture on craigslist and some unwanted giftcards on CardSwap, came up with a plan to utilize some furniture I already have in more useful ways*, and most fun of all I FINALLY started refinishing the dining room table and chairs. Well, SORT OF fun, since cleaning and sanding and priming are a drag, but I’m very much looking forward to the end result!

The dining room set is the Fusion from Ikea, which I got secondhand (and free!) from Sym’s dad. It’s an older version- the current set is the black-brown/espresso colour that matches a lot of other pieces from Ikea (and other places), but the one I have was a lighter colour that didn’t match ANYTHING. I decided to paint it red to match my little mushroom table; it’s almost the same shape, and I already had the paint!


The last piece of furniture I refinished was Gwen’s cradle last fall, and compared to that with all the spindly bars and details, this dining set is a breeze! Most of the furniture painting tutorials I’ve read online have said to use a brush, but idk, I’ve personally had better results with a mini foam roller. Spray painting would probably be the easiest of all but the weather isn’t stable enough to do it outside yet and I don’t feel comfortable doing it in the house with the baby.

*It’s a multi-part plan involving a lot of bookshelves:
1. Move the short bookcase from the north end of the hallway to the south end.
2. Paint the daycare toy storage cupboards and move them from the dining room to Sym’s room.
3. Move the big bookcase from Sym’s room into the hallway’s north end where the short bookcase used to be and move Taylor’s comic books into it.
4. Move the bookcase that used to house Taylor’s comic books out of the office and mount it horizontally in the dining room as a fauxdenza.

2 Replies to “Out With the Old”

  1. I am refinishing a couple pieces of furniture, but I started with the easy ones side table with all straight sides! now I wish I had started with the desk with all the beading and details and hand sanding. Luckily I have a garage space where I can use as much fumey toxic spray paint and varnish.
    The table looks great!

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