Impulse Shopper

Sometimes I think I should be allowed into stores, because I invariably come home with stuff like this:


Caramilk liqueur. I don’t even know what I’m going to do with this (or conversely, what WON’T I do with this) but I had to have it.

Cherry Chip + Sprinkles

Slightly smashed box of Cherry Chip cake mix (which I’d never even heard of) and red sprinkles. I’ll use these to make doughnuts.


FLUFF. Enough said.

In non-weird food news, yesterday I picked up these two felt craft books: Zombie Felties and Cuter Book. TBH I make my own patterns 90% of the time but I can’t stop buying these books!

Felt Craft Books

Also you may have noticed in my recent webcam pics that even though I said I was going to take down all the birthday party decorations, I just took down the streamers and left the tissue paper pompoms. I just loved them so much! However, it’s just about Christmas decorating time so last night I finally took them down. I didn’t want to just throw them all away, so instead I decided to put them up in the naproom.

A New Home for the Pompom Flowers

Finding a new home for them gives me an excuse to finally make the yellow and purple ones I bought tissue paper for but never had a chance to make, and also frees up the living room ceiling for Sym’s and my Christmas crafts. We’re doing perler bead snowflakes, red/green/white paper bunting and white and silver tissue paper pompoms!

White & Silver Pompom

4 Replies to “Impulse Shopper”

  1. I love your blog so much, I should comment on all the posts you make, since I constantly refresh your page to see if you posted something new.

    I want you to combine the wacky ingredients into one recipe.

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